20.03.2024, 20:52 112451

Baige finds renewed popularity in Kazakhstan

Baige finds renewed popularity in Kazakhstan
Images | arqymaq_sport_kesheni / instagram
Baige, a traditional Kazakh sport and game rooted in cultural heritage, is experiencing a resurgence in popularity across Kazakhstan, Kazinform News Agency correspondent reports.

Originating centuries ago among nomadic tribes, Baige is a sport of strategy played with sheep ankle bones, known as "shagai," traditionally sourced from the hooves of sheep. Players take turns tossing the shagai onto a flat surface, aiming to achieve various combinations and outwit their opponents.

In recent years, efforts to revive traditional Kazakh customs and games have led to a renewed interest in Baige. Local communities, schools, and cultural organizations have organized tournaments and events to celebrate the game, attracting participants from all walks of life.

Today, on the 20th of March, equestrian sport complex "Argymaq" has conducted an event dedicated to the Day of National Sports during the "Nauryznama" celebrations.

The event was attended by Minister of Tourism and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan Ermek Marzhykpayev, Deputy Mayor of Astana City Eset Baiken, President of the National Sports Association of Kazakhstan Islambek Salzhanov, veterans of national sports, presidents of national sports federations, athletes, heads and representatives of diplomatic missions, as well as residents and guests of the capital. Deputy Mayor of Astana, Eset Baiken, congratulated the gathering and noted that national sports competitions will be held in all districts of the capital on these holidays," "Argymaq" sports complex posted on its official

The guests of the event were also surprised by a friendly competition between Kazakhstani cowboys and U.S. cowboys. Cowboys from the United States have arrived in Kazakhstan in order to exchange experiences and attend the Baige games.

The rise of social media has facilitated the spread of Baige beyond Kazakhstan's borders, with enthusiasts sharing videos, tutorials, and stories about the game's history and significance. One of the most popular Baige events, "World Nomad Games", will be conducted in Astana from September 8th until September 14th of 2024.

This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.

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