06.05.2024, 17:33 100711

Over 50,000 flood victims return their homes after floods

Over 50,000 flood victims return their homes after floods
Images | Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Water pump-out works are ongoing around-the-clock in Kulsary town of Atyrau region, city of Petropavlovsk and Kyzylzhar district of the North Kazakhstan region after devastating floods hit ten regions of the country, Kazinform News Agency learned from the Ministry of Emergencies.

Bank protection works are underway in Kuilys, Belsher, Zhaissanbay villages of Irgiz district in Aktobe region. Water level on the Torgai river is monitored hourly. The situation is under special control," Official Spokesperson of the Emergencies Ministry Askar Sharip said at a briefing.

Floodwater was pumped out from 9,445 residential buildings and 3,186 household territories. More than 50,000 people returned their homes. 5,568 people are staying in the temporary evacuation shelters," Askar Sharip added.

Flood relief efforts involve 11,502 people, 1,298 specialized vehicles, 329 pieces of water pumping equipment, 68 boats and six aircraft.

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