18.04.2024, 19:30 47686

Kazakhstan reveals uniforms for 2024 Paris  

Kazakhstan has revealed the uniforms its athletes will wear at the upcoming 2024 Paris Olympics, Kazinform News Agency correspondent reports.

The special commission made up of representatives of media, public organizations and athletes was established. The first version is the uniform of our flag bearers Aslanbek Shymbergenov and Nadezhda Dubovitskaya. It’s a several-kit uniform complemented with the men’s national headpiece Borik and the bride’s national headpiece Saukele, said Yerbol Myrzabossynov, chairman of the committee for sports and physical culture of the Ministry of Tourism and Sport of Kazakhstan, during a session of the social and cultural development committee of the Majilis.

15 organizations took part in the competition for the best outfits for the Paris Summer Olympics for Kazakhstani athletes in two stages.

The Kazakhstani athletes parade kit for 2024 Olympics with a tubeteika and a diadem was also presented to the Majilis deputies. There will be also an outfit for medal ceremonies.

Kazakhstani athletes are to be provided with a separate Spanish-made uniform for training.

This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.

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