16.04.2024, 18:01 47171

Middle Corridor holds significant importance for Kyrgyzstan - ambassador

Middle Corridor holds significant importance for Kyrgyzstan - ambassador
Images | trend.az
The Middle Corridor (Trans-Caspian International Transport Route, or TITR) holds significant importance for Kyrgyzstan, the country's Ambassador to Azerbaijan Kairat Osmonaliev told Kyrgyz media, Trend reports.

The topic of the Middle Corridor is currently under active discussion. Essentially, it revives the operation of the old classical Silk Road, which originally passed through Central Asian countries, including the Caucasus. We are continuously working on this issue, including maximizing multimodal transportation along the corridor," the ambassador said.

He noted that Baku is now becoming a regional logistics hub, with the Baku Alat International Sea Trade Port and the Baku Hovsan International Sea Trade Port. According to him, discussions are currently underway for cooperation between Kyrgyzstan and both ports.

The Middle Corridor is a transportation and trade route that connects Asia and Europe, passing through several countries in the region. It is an alternative route to the traditional Northern Corridor and Southern Corridor. The route starts in China and crosses Central Asian countries. It then passes through the Caspian Sea, Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Türkiye before reaching Europe.

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