13.12.2019, 18:18 7527

Kazakhstan-made products expand presence overseas

Kazakhstan’s food products and beverages appear on the shelves of a hypermarket in one of the largest cities of China with the population estimated to reach 12 million.
Kazakhstan’s food products and beverages appear on the shelves of a hypermarket in one of the largest cities of China with the population estimated to reach 12 million.
KazakhExport and Wuhan Asia Europe Logistics Co., Ltd signed a memorandum to open the store departments’ chain in November this year. Wuhan Zhongshang Supermarket Chain Co., Ltd supported the initiative and inaugurated today the first thematic department in the Kazakh national style.
The department store presents products made by Raimbek Bottlers, Kaz Ir Agro, Molproduct, Almaty Product, Sultan Marketing, Arba Wine, RG Brands, Eurasian Foods Corporation, Rakhat, Paseka, Tsesna Astyk companies.
Wuhan Asia Europe Logistics Co., Ltd. and Wuhan Zhongshang Supermarket Chain Co., Ltd. are state companies that participate in the One Belt, One Road policy.
 This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.
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