12.11.2024, 16:19 116381

New fire safety measures: Kazakhstan creates universal units for emergency situations

New fire safety measures: Kazakhstan creates universal units for emergency situations
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Ministry for Emergency Situations is carrying out a set of measures to ensure fire safety in the country. Minister Chingis Arinov reported on this at the Government session chaired by Prime Minister Olzhas Bektenov, primeminister.kz reports.

Firstly, they increase operational response to emergencies and combat readiness of the Ministry's units. In a pilot project in Akmola region created a universal unit of firefighters, medics and rescuers. This allows for prompt and comprehensive rescue and first aid to the injured.

The approach to the construction of fire units has been revised. For example, since August of this year in Astana there has been functioning a fire department built in 3.5 months from fast-erecting structures. This principle of construction will be introduced in all regions. A total of 121 fire stations are required across the country.

As part of strengthening logistical support, for the first time 2 firefighting drones designed to extinguish high-rise buildings are being purchased.

This year we are buying 728 units of special vehicles, over 18 thousand equipment and gear at the expense of the republican and local budgets, as well as in leasing. The first priority is to distribute the equipment for the needs of district units. The second is practical training of the population through drills and exercises. For example, we hold drills on conditional fires of multi-storey buildings with practical evacuation of residents. In total, more than 250 such exercises have been held in the republic," the minister said.

For the first time, we are planning drills involving helicopter equipment for residents of a high-rise apartment block in Astana. The work is gradually teaching citizens self-rescue skills in case of fires, thereby increasing the level of safety culture.

Third, it is prevention in the residential sector of the country.

I would like to note that the private residential sector is beyond the control of the Ministry, we are limited only to recommendations when conducting door-to-door rounds. At the same time, often the population refuses to be consulted, not letting them into the houses. Nevertheless, we inform citizens about fire safety measures through SMS mailings, chat rooms of houses and SIS. At the same time, we are solving the issue of authorising the Ministry to accept residential high-rise buildings and objects with mass stay of people into operation," Chingis Arinov reported.

According to statistics, the main cause of fires and deaths of citizens is the malfunction of heating systems. In particular, stove heating, which is mainly in the homes of socially vulnerable population. According to the Minister, often in this category there are children's group deaths due to leaving children without adult supervision.

Given these facts, the socially vulnerable category - families with many children, persons with disabilities, lonely elderly - are under special control of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Today there are over 100 thousand houses on the books. Together with akimats and volunteers, targeted assistance is provided to all of them - installation of fire detectors and, if possible, repair of heating systems and cleaning of chimneys. Since 2021, over 107,000 sensors have been installed, which allow early warning of the danger of carbon monoxide. 55 alarms have been registered, thus preventing the death of 248 people.

The next reason is improper use of household gas, which can lead to explosions. The population refuels gas cylinders at petrol stations in violation of the Law, while the largest part of them is subject to disposal.

According to our calculations, 348 thousand gas cylinders are to be replaced. Here the housing commissions under akitams should strengthen control over compliance with safe operation of gas-consuming systems and gas equipment of household and communal consumers. I would like to note that the heating period is under special control. Subdivisions of the Ministry are ready to respond to emergencies," Chingis Arinov summarised.


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