10.05.2018, 22:55 3890

Putin named Nazarbayev's distinctive traits

According to Vladimir Putin, Nursultan Nazarbayev is a future-orientated person.
President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin noted distinctive traits of President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev as a leader, the TV and radio complex of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan reports.

Director General of the TV and radio complex of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Yerlan Betkhozhin interviewed Russian President Vladimir Putin.

He made a career in the Soviet period, and it is brilliant. It is still amazing. That is, despite the Soviet past, he is a future-orientated person. That is a unique trait," Vladimir Putin underlined in the interview.

He is firstly can surround himself with efficient and productive people, young ones and never fears to be surrounded by powerful men. That is a distinctive trait of any powerful leader," said Putin.

Source: BNews.kz

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