03.12.2024, 20:22 206311

Enhancing accessibility and education quality in rural areas: Kazakhstan Khalkyna Foundation scales up Capacity Development of Small Rural Schools Using Digital Technologies project

Bolat Zhamishev, Chairman of the Board of Kazakhstan Khalkyna PF, told at the Government session on the development of rural schools about the projects that the Fund is implementing to improve the accessibility and quality of education in villages, primeminister.kz reports.

According to him, firstly, the current problems in the field of education were analysed in order to identify areas where the Foundation could provide support. The results of the research showed that the most vulnerable is rural education, where half of the educational institutions are understaffed.

In this regard, Kazakhstan Khalkyna PF launched the project "Capacity Building of Support Schools in Rural Areas" aimed at reducing the gap in education between urban and rural schools.

According to Bolat Zhamishev, over 3 years 135 support schools have been created out of 191 planned. Another 56 are planned to be completed in 2025. The Fund has allocated 33.5 billion tenge to equip support schools.

In addition, the Fund together with the Ministry of Education and regional akimats implemented the project ‘Development of the potential of small rural schools in Aktobe region with the use of digital technologies’, when teachers of support schools teach in small schools. At the expense of the "Kazakhstan Khalkyna" PF, 134 small schools have been equipped for a total amount of over 1.8 billion tenge.

In educational establishments with more than 80 children, a digital room has been set up to organise online learning, robotics classes and a science room for biology, chemistry and physics. Where there are less than 80 pupils, a universal room for organising online learning has been set up.

During the implementation of the Project, 4 models of organisation of the learning process were tested, 12 thousand online lessons were conducted.

The only way to ensure proper education in small schools is to implement projects to introduce online and offline learning. Teachers from support schools should be responsible for the quality of education in small schools. They should receive additional remuneration for this. They shouldperiodically visit these small schools," Bolat Zhamishev said.

In addition, he added that the Kazakhstan Khalkyna Foundation is ready to participate in replication of this project in Kostanay, Akmola and North-Kazakhstan regions.

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