11.11.2024, 21:34 168951

How many people live in Kazakhstan

How many people live in Kazakhstan
As of October 1, 2024, the number of population in Kazakhstan has reached 20,223,218, having increased by 189,376 in nine months. 12,704,977 people live in urban areas, and 7,518,241 live in rural settlements, Kazinform News Agency learned from the National Statistics Bureau.

278,700 children were born across Kazakhstan from January to September, while the number of deaths was at 99,500. Thus, natural population increase made 179,200.

The highest birth rate is observed in Turkistan region (25.04 births/1000 population), Mangistau region (24.84) and Shymkent city (23.68).

The highest death rate was reported in the North Kazakhstan region (11.52 deaths /1000 population), East Kazakhstan region (11.32) and Kostanay region (10.12), which is explained by the age pattern of these regions’ population.

Meanwhile, 95,000 marriages and 29,300 divorces were registered countrywide in six months.

20,383 people arrived in Kazakhstan and 10,201 left the country in January-September 2024, with the migration balance amounting to 10,182 people.

Compared to the corresponding period in 2023, the number of arrivals in Kazakhstan increased by 6.5%, and the number of departures from Kazakhstan decreased by 19.9%

The number of people moving within the country increased by 47.4% compared to the same period in 2024.

This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.

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