19.06.2024, 12:11 54376

Heat and power plants generate 66% of electricity in Kazakhstan

In January-April 2024, Kazakhstan produced 418.2 billion kWh of electricity, which is 3.7% more than in 2023, Kazinform News Agency reports citing energyprom.kz.

The largest volume of electricity is traditionally produced in Pavlodar region - 177.7 billion kWh.

Then come Karaganda region (44.6 billion kWh), Atyrau region (27.9 billion kWh), East Kazakhstan region (24.2 billion kWh), and Mangistau region (17.6 billion kWh).

Zhetysu region produces the least volume of electricity - only 2 billion kWh.

Central heating and power plants generate 66.2% of electricity in Kazakhstan. In four months of 2024, the country produced a total of 276.8 billion kWh of electricity.

38.6 billion kWh were produced by condensation power plants, 30.4 billion kWh - by hydroelectric power stations, 28.8 billion kWH - by gas-turbine plants, 23.4 billion kWh - by thermal power stations, 14.2 bilion kWh - by wind power stations, 4.9 billion kWh -by solar power stations, and 5.7 million kWh was produced by biogas plants.

According to the Ministry of Energy, in January-March 2024, electricity generation by renewable energy sources amounted to 1.8 billion kWh, which is 18.9% more than in the same period in 2023.

At the same time, the share of electricity generated by RES facilities in the total generation volume made 5.4% against 4.8% a year earlier.

Wind power plants traditionally generated the biggest volume of electricity: 1.3 billion kWh, that is 25.2% more than a year before. Then stand solar power stations (330.7 million kWh), small hydro-electric power stations (170.6 million kWh) and biofuel power plants (150 thousand kWh).

According to Our World in Data, in 2023 the world produced 10.5 thousand terawatt-hours (TWh) of electricity from coal, 6.6 thousand TWh of electricity from gas, 4.2 thousand TWh electricity from hydroelectric power plants, 2.7 thousand TWh of nuclear electricity, 2.3 thousand TWh of wind electricity, 1.6 thousand TWh of solar energy, 788.6 TWh of electricity from oil and 678.7 TWh of electricity from bioenergy.

At the same time, Our World in Data experts say that 76.8 TWh of electricity in Kazakhstan was produced from coal. 23.7 TWh was produced from gas, 9.2 TWh - from hydroelectric power stations, and 2.5TWh - from wind, 1.7 TWh - from solar energy, and 0.06 TWh - from oil.

This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.

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