29.05.2023, 23:44 91276

Kazakh Government discussed reduction of prices for socially significant products

Kazakh Government discussed reduction of prices for socially significant products
At the meeting chaired by Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Trade and Integration Serik Zhumangarin, the price situation for social products for the week was considered. The average index of +0.1% was mainly formed due to the seasonal increase in prices for potatoes, carrots, onions. Prices for bread, horns, chicken, sugar, salt are stable, press service of the Ministry of Trade and Integration reports.

The rate of decline in the price of buckwheat remains, for a week the price of this cereal has decreased by another 1.2%, since the beginning of the year - by 23%. In addition, the trend of decreasing prices for sunflower oil continues - 0.4% (since the beginning of the year, a decrease of 5.8%), flour - 0.2% (since the beginning of the year - by 2.5%).

Also this week, there was a decrease in the price index as a whole for SSSG in the Pavlodar region by 0.3%. The share of the decrease is largely due to a decrease in prices for sunflower oil and eggs.

Vice Minister of Agriculture Yerbol Taszhurekov reported on the availability of stocks of last year's harvest in the off-season and the results of the early harvest. According to the data provided, early potato harvesting has begun in the Turkestan region, the plan for June-July is 180.4 thousand tons. In Almaty region, it is planned to harvest this vegetable in the amount of 37.8 thousand tons for June-July. Thus, the necessary level of provision of the regions in potatoes will be covered by the early harvest from the southern regions.

If there are stocks of last year's carrot harvest, the main volume of the domestic market needs in June is planned to be covered by imports. At the same time, by the end of June, early carrot harvesting will begin in the Turkestan region, according to plans - 30.3 thousand tons. 90.8 thousand tons of cabbage have already been harvested in the region. This and the future harvest of early vegetables is enough to cover the needs of the market. According to the Akimat of Turkestan region, currently the price of cabbage from the field is from 70 to 100 tg/kg.

In the Zhambyl region, it is planned to harvest early onions in the amount of 105.8 thousand tons, in the Turkestan region - 55.4 thousand tons. Taking into account that the volumes of SEC reserves have been formed for June, the regions are recommended to carry out deliveries from the southern regions in July.

As for harvesting for winter-spring 2024, contracts have already been concluded for the supply of 129 thousand tons of vegetables for the next autumn harvest: potatoes - 70.6 thousand tons, carrots - 19.7 thousand tons, onions - 22 thousand tons and cabbage - 16.5 thousand tons.

During the meeting, the Akimat of the Kyzylorda region raised issues of collateral for producers at the conclusion of forward contracts, the possibility of storing already contracted products (potatoes) in manufacturers' warehouses. As a result of consideration of the issue, Serik Zhumangarin instructed to work out the mechanism together with the Ministry of Agriculture

At the same time, rice sowing is planned to be completed in the region in early June. On the part of the Akimat of the Kyzylorda region, it was proposed to hold meetings directly with the participation of representatives of interested government agencies, regional secs, retail chains of other regions to conclude contracts for the purchase of the autumn harvest. This will make it possible to fix the prices of rice, taking into account storage, and it will also be possible to further regulate the trade premium during the year.

Serik Zhumangarin supported the proposal of the Akimat of the Kyzylorda region regarding the early contracting of rice. He also instructed to take all necessary measures to further curb the growth of prices for social food.

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