16.04.2024, 21:15 65081

Head of State thanks entrepreneurs and volunteers in Kostanay region

Head of State thanks entrepreneurs and volunteers in Kostanay region
While on a working visit to Kostanay region, Head of State Kassym-Jomart Tokayev met with representatives of business and volunteers assisting in eliminating the aftermath of the floods in the region, Kazinform News Agency cites Akorda.

Among those present were the heads of major enterprises of the region in fields of machine building, mining, food and agriculture as well as local members of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan, volunteers, regional youth resource center and students. Tokayev noted that the support for SMEs is a priority task.

The Head of State drew special attention of the important role business people play in assisting those affected.

There are major entrepreneurs who are included in Forbes. I’ll talk with them. Each of them will assigned with one region, district and village and be responsible personally. It also meets their interests as they will see the results of their work. I believe that your names as benefactors helping their people will not be overlooked by the state, said Tokayev.

The President also expressed gratitude to volunteers, stressing that always treats them with great sympathy and will support them fully.

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