21.01.2025, 19:30 270006

Taza like, Ayala and other projects to promote environmental culture in 2025

In 2025, Kazakhstan will continue to actively work on the formation of a new eco-culture aimed at improving the environment and involving society in environmental initiatives, primeminister.kz reports.

This was reported at the Government session by Minister of Culture and Information Aida Balayeva. She emphasised that the theme of ecology and eco-culture is under the close attention of the President.

The huge work done during this time has directly influenced the mobilisation of our country around the President's initiative and contributed to the consolidation of the concept of eco-culture among the population," the Minister said.

The Minister also spoke about the organisation of more than 15 thousand events attended by more than 90 thousand eco-volunteers. One of the most significant projects was the cleaning and improvement of historical and cultural sites within the framework of the action ‘Kieli Meken’, during which 717 memorial sites across the country were reconstructed.

Special attention was paid to public environmental monitoring. As a result of public monitoring of 300 sites, attended by more than 3 thousand people, work was carried out to clean these sites from rubbish, landscaping and improving the environment.

Taza Kazakstan should become not just a public action, but a systemic ideological position of the nation - emphasised the Minister, quoting a recent interview of the Head of State to the publication "Ana Tili". The main idea of the President is to elevate the future spiritual wealth of the nation to a worthy civilisation, to turn the soul and purity, natural harmony and human factors into its highest values of life.

The Minister also shared her plans for the near future. The first direction is the formation of a new eco-culture through the organisation of large-scale events. To share experience and knowledge, the project ‘Taza like’ will be implemented, which will unite public organisations, scientists, and all people who are not indifferent. The project will start after the National holiday Nauryz and will continue until 25 April, covering all regions of the country. Its culmination will be a large-scale eco-festival in Astana. In addition, the Ayala art festival will be held, which is aimed at attracting young people to environmental issues.

The second direction is environmental education. In addition to traditional awareness-raising work, modern technological solutions will be actively used. In particular, a new tab Eco-Events in E-gov and banking applications to widely inform the population about environmental events. The work on separate collection of rubbish and plastic products will continue. It is also proposed to expand the project of eco-hubs on the basis of youth resource centres. The Green School project will involve 500,000 schoolchildren and more than 3 million parents and their relatives.

Attention to ecology will also be paid to film production. A film project ‘38’ about foresters will be launched, as well as a series ‘Akzhauyn’ about an eco-activist who opens a rubbish processing plant and conducts various environmental actions. In addition, a national TV project ‘Sayahat Time’ will be launched, the purpose of which is to popularise a careful attitude to nature and ecologically clean places in Kazakhstan, and 3 animation projects developing environmental awareness for young viewers.

The third direction is to consolidate responsible attitude to ecology not only inside but also outside the country. A project of plogging (an ecological movement that combines jogging with rubbish collection) on the Caspian Sea embankment will be realised with the participation of Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan and other countries.

The work is not limited to the projects above. We believe it is necessary to continue and expand the republican action on public environmental control, as well as eco-patrols with the participation of public councils, civil society, business, educational institutions, scientific institutions, media and volunteers. This will not only mobilise society, but will also give us an opportunity to develop environmental culture, a task set before us by the Head of State," the Minister summarised the report.


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