14.06.2023, 10:10 45271

Army air force helps battle wildfires in Abai region, 3,500 tons of water dropped

Army air force helps battle wildfires in Abai region, 3,500 tons of water dropped
Images | MES RK
The military of the Kazakh Armed Forces are helping battle the wildfires raging in Abai region. Army aviators released over 3,500 tons of water on the forest fires between June 8 and 13, Kazinform learnt from the Defence Ministry’s press service.

Some 600 military, 50 units of equipment, and seven helicopters are deployed to fight the forest fires near Shulbinsk, Talitsa, Ozerki, Zhernovka and Baryshevka rural settlements. 23 crews of 69 pilots act as one as six helicopters drop some 30 tons of water buckets within 40 seconds over the one hot spot.

As of today, the wildfires burnt some 60,000 hectares. There is no threat to rural settlements. Over 1,500 people, 321 units of equipment and 14 helicopters continue to tackle the fires so far. Over 4,000 tons of water was dropped since the fire outbreak.

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