19.04.2024, 19:58 34471

Kazakh Cinema Days held in Vilnius

Kazakh Cinema Days held in Vilnius
Images | Kazakh MFA
The Embassy of Kazakhstan in Lithuania, with technical support of the national film studio "Kazakhfilm", organized the Kazakh Cinema Days in Vilnius dedicated to the 110th anniversary of Shaken Aimanov, the founder of Kazakh cinema, and the 90th anniversary of the film company. Representatives of the Lithuanian Parliament (Seimas), diplomatic corps, mass media, Kazakh diaspora and public figures attended the screening, press service of the Kazakh MFA reports.

Opening the screening, Ambassador of Kazakhstan to Lithuania Timur Urazaev noted the close cultural and humanitarian ties between the two countries and the mutual interest of citizens in the cultural process. It was noted that the Kazakh steppe has historically been a haven for different ethnic groups, in the XIX-XX centuries having received settlers, exiles and repressed people, among whom were several thousand Lithuanians. Kazakhs have always lent a helping hand in a difficult moment, which made our society multinational and multi-confessional. It is not by chance that Astana became the venue for the Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions - a unique dialogue platform in the modern world. The screening of the film "The Voice of the Steppe" very accurately conveys the essence of the historical drama characteristic of Kazakhstan.

Deputy Speaker of the Seimas Jonas Jarutis noted the positive experience of interethnic harmony in Kazakhstan and expressed gratitude to our people for helping exiled Lithuanians during the years of political repression and deportation to the Kazakh steppes.

The film "Kazakh Khanate. Golden Throne", presented to the Lithuanian audience on the second day, was filmed based on the famous novel "Nomads" by Ilyas Esenberlin and covers the events of the 15th century, when the process of formation of the first Kazakh state was actively underway. The film was screened on the occasion of the 800th anniversary of the formation of the Ulus Juchi and the 5th World Nomad Games, which will be held in Astana from 8 to 14 September this year.

Lithuanian viewers were interested in the production of Kazakh cinema and received virtual access to the archives of "Kazakhfilm", reflecting the evolution of Kazakh cinema.

This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.

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