18.04.2024, 08:33 33091

Parliament of Canada is Interested in Further Deepening Cooperation with Kazakhstan

Parliament of Canada is Interested in Further Deepening Cooperation with Kazakhstan
Images | Kazakh MFA
The annual general meeting of the Kazakhstan-Canada Parliamentary Friendship Group held in the Parliament of Canada, press service of the Kazakh MFA reports.

At the beginning of the event, members of the Canadian Parliament expressed their support to Kazakhstan in connection with major floods in a number of regions of the country, praising the actions of the Kazakh authorities in the fight against the natural disaster and its consequences.

Canadian parliamentarians also supported the policy of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev to carry out large-scale democratic reforms, including in the field of human rights protection and ensuring the principles of the rule of law. In this context, the legislators welcomed the adoption on April 15 this year of a package of laws aimed at toughening penalties in the field of domestic violence.

Special attention during the meeting was paid to the development of Kazakh-Canadian relations, as well as parliamentary ties between the two countries. Canadian parliamentarians expressed their readiness to provide comprehensive assistance in promoting bilateral cooperation, including in the field of agriculture, energy, transportation and logistics, digital technologies and education.

Following the event, the two sides agreed to organize a visit of the Canadian parliamentary delegation to Kazakhstan in 2024.

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