16.03.2023, 10:36 54016

Reforms in Kazakhstan discussed at Ministry of Justice of Armenia

Ambassador of Kazakhstan to Armenia Bolat Imanbayev met with the Minister of Justice of this country Grigor Minasyan
Reforms in Kazakhstan discussed at Ministry of Justice of Armenia
Images | gov.kz
Ambassador of Kazakhstan to Armenia Bolat Imanbayev met with the Minister of Justice of this country Grigor Minasyan. The sides discussed the issues of developing bilateral cooperation in the judicial and legal sphere, as well as in the field of ensuring the protection of the rights and interests of citizens, the press office of the Kazakh MFA reported.

The Armenian Minister was informed about the development of the Kazakh-Armenian cooperation in the political, trade, economic, cultural, and humanitarian spheres, as well as about the program of large-scale political and economic reforms initiated by President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev. Special attention was given to the issues of constitutional reform and the upcoming parliamentary elections in Kazakhstan on March 19, 2023. Minister Minasyan highly appreciated the policy of Kazakhstan's leadership and stressed the importance of ongoing reforms in the face of modern global challenges.

The parties considered the issues of deepening mutually beneficial cooperation within the framework of international organizations and the schedule of bilateral events in 2023. They also agreed on further work on the exchange of experience between the ministries of justice of Kazakhstan and Armenia.

Source: kazinform 

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