24.11.2023, 12:15 147026

Arman Shakkaliev held a meeting with Turkish Ambassador Mustafa Kapujiu

During the meeting, the Minister of Trade and Integration of Kazakhstan Arman Shakkaliev noted that Turkey is among the top five major trading partners of Kazakhstan. Trade turnover between the countries for January-September 2023 was $4.4bn, press service of the Ministry of Trade and Integration reports.

Today Turkey is one of the most prioritised trade, economic and investment partners of Kazakhstan. More than 3,800 companies (3,835) with Turkish capital operate in Kazakhstan, which is the second highest among foreign countries. The volume of direct investments from Turkey to Kazakhstan over the past 17 years totalled $4.6 billion", - the Minister said.

Kazakhstan has a great potential to export processed products with high added value of more than $796 million. Experts from the two countries are currently holding consultations on the conclusion of an agreement on trade in services.

In turn, Kapuju Mustafa noted that Turkey was one of the first countries to recognise the independence of Kazakhstan and relations between the two countries in the historical and cultural sphere are also very important.

When last meeting in Astana at the 10th summit of the Organisation of Turkic States, the presidents of our countries agreed to increase trade between Kazakhstan and Turkey to $15 billion", - Kapuju Mustafa said.

In addition, according to the Ambassador, 3.7 Turkish companies operate in Kazakhstan, as well as the volume of direct investments of Turkey in Kazakhstan is 4.6 billion dollars. Turkey is among the top 5 countries investing in Kazakhstan, and is ready to continue cooperation.

At the end of the meeting, the 39th meeting of the Standing Committee on Economic and Commercial Cooperation (COMCEC) of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) to be held on 4-5 December this year in Istanbul was discussed. The sides agreed to continue discussing further proposals for co-operation within the framework of the 39th COMCEC meeting.

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