02.11.2023, 15:41 170656

Head of State awarded Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban with the Order Dostyk of I degree

Head of State awarded Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban with the Order Dostyk of I degree
Images | Akorda
Kassym-Jomart Tokayev has presented Prime Minister of Hungary Viktor Orban the Order of Dostyk of I degree, Presidential press service reports.

During ceremony, Head of our State noted Viktor Orban's significant contribution to the development and strengthening of bilateral relations.

- Today’s constructive negotiations at the highest level have set the stage for deepening our enduring relations and elevating strategic partnership to a new level. Given your exceptional role in promoting the close bonds of friendship and mutually beneficial ties between our nations, I have decided to award you the Order of Dostyk of the first degree. This is a symbol of the profound respect and appreciation, the unity of our two amicable nations, Kazakhstan and Hungary, and our commitment to fostering a relationship built on trust and mutual respect. May it inspire us all to continue building bridges and working together for the common good, - said President.

The Hungarian Prime Minister expressed his sincere gratitude to Kassym-Jomart Tokayev and indicated his readiness to make every effort to further strengthen the strategic partnership between the two countries.

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