20.03.2024, 16:14 89671

Musical Journey around the World with Alan Buribayev

Musical Journey around the World with Alan Buribayev
Images | astanaopera.kz
The opera-geographical concert Around the World in 80 Minutes, a new program by the principal conductor of Astana Opera, Honored Worker of Kazakhstan, laureate of the State Prize of Kazakhstan Alan Buribayev, will be presented at Astana Opera’s Grand Hall on March 31. An atmosphere of musical adventure and discovery created by the symphony orchestra, soloists and choir under the baton of the celebrated Maestro awaits the audience, Astana Opera press office reports.

It should be emphasized that Alan Buribayev delights Astana Opera’s listeners with new and diverse creative projects every season. Such concerts not only provide an opportunity to enjoy high-quality musical performances, but also to view classical art in often unexpected and fascinating ways.

The title of the evening itself promises an exciting journey, reminiscent of the adventures of the heroes of Jules Verne. However, unlike them, viewers will be able to travel around the world in just 80 minutes, immersing themselves in the musical atmosphere of different countries and continents. The non-trivial concert program includes both popular arias and duets from operas and famous symphonic works, as well as opuses that are extremely rarely performed in the world. This concert will give the audience the opportunity to plunge into the diversity of the world and experience an unforgettable musical adventure.

Amongthe featured artists are bright and talented opera soloists: Saltanat Akhmetova, Bibigul Zhanuzak, Aizada Kaponova, Tatyana Vitsinskaya, Saltanat Muratbekova, Madina Islamova, Assem Sembina, Guldana Aldadossova, Nazym Sagintai, Meir Bainesh, Medet Chotabayev, Azat Malik, Artur Gabdiyev, Sayan Issin, as well as Astana Opera’s highly professional choir and orchestra collectives whose performances will adorn the musical journey.

This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.

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