27.11.2023, 22:52 64786

Winter Storm aftermath with Hurricane force winds in the Sevastopol Port, Crimean Peninsula

Winter Storm aftermath with Hurricane force winds in the Sevastopol Port, Crimean Peninsula
A severe storm in Sevastopol and the Crimean peninsula left nearly two million people in Russia and Ukraine without power due to hurricane-force winds, snowfall, and heavy rains. These conditions disrupted electricity lines and caused widespread flooding. The Black Sea coast of Russia experienced huge waves and winds over 140 km/h, Euronews reports.

The Russian energy ministry reported power outages affecting regions including Dagestan, Krasnodar, Rostov, and occupied Ukrainian territories. In Crimea, one of the hardest-hit areas, efforts were underway to restore power within two days. The region faced unprecedented wind and wave conditions, with parts of the coastal highway and ferry services in Sevastopol suspended. Train services on the Black Sea coast were also disrupted, and oil loading at Novorossiysk port was halted. Further downpours were expected in Sevastopol and Sochi on the Black Sea coast.


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