08.01.2025, 13:55 105946

Year of Working Professions: Olzhas Bektenov instructs to strengthen control over observance of safe working conditions and intensify work on training of highly qualified personnel for economy

The Government session chaired by Prime Minister Olzhas Bektenov considered the issues of the Year of Working Professions announced by the President. The ministers of education, labour and social protection, industry and construction, energy, transport, agriculture, as well as akims of a number of regions and the management of Atameken reported on the measures taken to reform technical and vocational education, support for workers, primeminister.kz reports.

In fulfilment of the President's instruction, the Government approved the Action Plan for the Year of Working Professions in 2025. The document includes 7 directions and 70 steps aimed at improving the system and participation of employers in the training and support of workers, increasing the attractiveness of technical and vocational education, development of mechanisms for the protection of labour rights, etc. Real sector entities, state and local executive bodies, national companies and industry associations are involved in the implementation of the Plan.

The development of human capital is one of the important factors of long-term and sustainable economic growth. It is thanks to professionals in their work that the economy develops and the well-being of all citizens increases. Therefore, we will take consistent measures to raise the status of the person of labour. In this regard, 2025 has been declared by the Head of State the Year of Working Professions," Olzhas Bektenov noted.

Prime Minister stressed the importance of strengthening control over compliance with labour legislation, working conditions and safety of workers, as well as taking preventive measures to prevent labour conflicts at enterprises. The Minister of Labour and Social Protection has been instructed to strictly monitor compliance with safe working conditions of workers, including the introduction of a digital map of enterprises. In addition, it is necessary to ensure close cooperation with the International Labour Organization to promote the principles of decent work and ratification of the relevant conventions.

Attention has been paid to staff shortages in the transport sector, particularly in high-tech areas such as aviation, railways and shipping. The Ministry of Transport, together with companies, has been instructed to work out a concrete plan to train specialists for these sectors.

For the successful development of the agro-industrial complex, the Ministry of Agriculture together with regional akims should actively work on providing attractive conditions for specialists in rural areas and launch new programmes in this direction.

In addition, business needs to be more actively involved in the process of training and retraining of personnel. The share of employees who improve their qualifications at the expense of the employer is only 6%. At the same time in OECD countries this figure reaches 48%. In this regard, Prime Minister urged business to focus on improving the qualifications of workers, their social support and creation of decent working conditions.

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