29.05.2023, 18:52 86286

Foreign investment in Kazakhstan hit a record $28bn in 2022

Foreign investment in Kazakhstan hit a record $28bn in 2022
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Kazakh Senate Deputy Olga Perepechina has named the main factors making Kazakhstan attractive for investors, Kazinform correspondent reports.

They are the political stability, predictability, and immutability of legislation, and effective governess across the country. The State keeps all these elements which are the solid foundation of investment climate under control. There are different legislative mechanisms for stimulating the investment activity in the country", - said Perepechina.

She went on to say that there are 14 special economic and 33 industrial zones, providing infrastructure and wider investment preferences, in Kazakhstan. The country also simplified the procedures for opening and running businesses, created a solid regulatory framework. And favorable conditions for investment activity.

Kazakhstan has passed the new investment policy concept, established a visa free regime with 76 countries, the institution of investment ombudsman.

According to Senate Deputy Olga Perepechina, the gross flow of direct foreign investments in Kazakhstan reached its 10-year high of $28bn in 2022.

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