10.05.2024, 15:10 49776

Kazakhstan and Japan Aims to Deepen the Cooperation in Ecology and Green Energy

Kazakhstan and Japan Aims to Deepen the Cooperation in Ecology and Green Energy
Images | Kazakh MFA
Ambassador of Kazakhstan to Japan Sabr Yessimbekov held a meeting with Parliamentary Vice-minister of Japan Kentaro Asahi, press service of the Kazakh MFA reports.

Sabr Yessimbekov informed about bilateral and multilateral events to be held in Kazakhstan and noted the potential of further development of green energy, environment and decarbonization cooperation.

Kentaro Asahi highly appreciated the bilateral cooperation in ecology and environment. He expressed interest in further realization of projects in green energy and decarbonization.

Following the meeting, the parties agreed to continue close cooperation for the further development of cooperation in green energy and decarbonization.

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